
Viral Records is a small netlabel that is interested in experimental (mainly electronic) acts. It was started in 2007 by Arron Cobbett (owner of animation and film company Azzmation) and later taken over primarily by Joss Weightman. The aim of Viral Records is to distribute records and publicize artists that we find interesting and that may have not got the ammount of publicity that they did before they were "signed" to Viral Records. There is no contract involved here, we respect your rights to your own work - we will host and publicise your releases for you but make no efforts to police you. Learn more about submitting demo's.


Viral Records is no longer accepting demos* and is now for archive purposes only. A HUGE thank you goes out to everyone involved in this project 2007-2010. I encourage you to browse the site and download the releases still however!

*If you are looking for somewhere to publish your releases I have recently relaunched OTS Records which I am happy to accept releases for as of now. If you want to submit a demo to the new label click here to get my email address or alternatively my contact information on the contact page here is still valid. The criteria is still roughly the same for my new netlabel so guidelines for submitting demos are the same as they were on Viral.



ViralRecords is copyrighted by Arron Cobbett. Site design by Arron Cobbett, website maintenance by Arron Cobbett and Joss Weightman.
A ll bands and artist's retain all rights to there work, audio and visual.


Jilted Generation
Glitch City
Chiltern Sounds
The Josso Forums


The box of mystery... if you have any idea what to put in here drop us an email!